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Darshit Pujara

Darshit Pujara

I am mailing you to thank you very much for making the 3 days of my life sooo sooo beautiful and memorable. your resort is the amongst the best one’s I hv visited in my life. superb ambience , a very rich feel of our indian culture. the best pool I hv come across in terms of cleanliness and liviliness. the ponds and fish lakes everything was soo clean tht it ws hard to believe.. the rooms were excellent wid superb international standard facilities. the gardens were well maintained and naturalness of the environment is maintained thts jst owsm. the usp according to me ws your very well behaved and courteous staff.

I wud like to specially mention mr. nimit goswami and the head chef mr. shekhawat for tickling our taste buds. the special care taken to make us comfortable by this two persons ws very heart warming. the special personal attention given to us ws really appreciable.

Salute the administration for all of these things. Proud to have the resort in our very own garvi Gujarat.
I would highly recommend your resort to my frns and family and specially my guests from abroad.
Thanx a lot.